Top Fruits to Eat and Avoid During a Winter Cough and Cold 

fruit for Cough and Cold: In this article, we will tell you which fruits you can eat and which you should avoid if you have a cold or cough.

Fruits For A Cough And Cold: As the weather changes, so do the chances of contracting a variety of diseases.In winter, most people complain of coughs and colds. Due to the cough, there is also an abstinence from eating and drinking. It is said that cold water should not be drunk and that such things should not be consumed because they aggravate the cough.

Consuming fruits is considered very beneficial for health. because it is rich in vitamins and minerals. It is extremely beneficial to one’s health. But sometimes health problems also begin due to the consumption of these fruits. If you have a problem with a cough, then some fruits will give you relief, while others can also harm you. So, today in this article, we will tell you which fruits you can consume and which fruits should be avoided in case of a cold or cough.

fruits for cough and cold
fruits for cough and cold

Eat these fruits when you have a Cough and cold:

According to experts, citric fruits should be consumed to treat coughs. Citric fruits work to increase immunity. Consuming them reduces the problem of coughing. Here are some fruits that can help with coughing.

Pineapple: It is thought to be very beneficial to consume pineapple when suffering from a cold or cough.This is because pineapple contains an enzyme called bromelain. The anti-inflammatory agent present in it can break down mucus due to its mucolytic properties.

Pomegranate: Pomegranate juice contains antioxidant flavonoids. Studies show that daily consumption of pomegranate juice can reduce the chances of getting a chronic cough  by almost 40 percent. Pomegranate juice also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties.

Kiwi is very beneficial in winter

Kiwi: Consuming Kiwi is considered very good when there is a cold or cough. Regular consumption of kiwi during coughing and colds reduces the condition of a person’s sore throat. It contains many nutrients that bring you relief.

Strawberries: Strawberries contain nutrients like manganese, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. All these properties of strawberries give you relief when you have a cold .

Watermelon: It contains the antioxidant lycopene, which helps reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract during infection.

Apples are full of flavonoids, and their consumption has been shown to be beneficial in many ways. It strengthens your immune system against coughs and colds.

Avoid these fruits:

One must consume fruits to stay healthy. Note that there is no particular fruit that should be avoided at this stage. Just take special care not to consume fruits kept in the fridge. These fruits can aggravate your problem if you are cold. Aside from that, avoid eating citrus fruits if you have a cold. This is because citrus fruits can cause acid reflux in a person who is already struggling with a cough and cold.

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